Neil Maddison's first experience of playing in a derby at Hartlepool lasted just 15 minutes when he was forced to limp out the action at Victoria Park just over a year ago.

But the midfielder doesn't need to play in a Pool-Darlington game to appreciate the importance the fixture holds for supporters of both clubs.

He knows all about the passion the match stirs having attended dozens in his younger days as a Darlington fan, before his career with Southampton and Middlesbrough interrupted his life-long love affair with the Quakers.

He featured in the 1-1 Feethams draw between the two sides last February, and will be looking to build on his impressive early season form with another influential 90 minutes tomorrow.

"I went off with a thigh strain so last year's game at their place wasn't too eventful for me, but I was in the team for the home game when we drew 1-1 and that was a typical derby game," said Maddison who recalls 1980s star Alan Walsh as a particular favourite.

"When I was younger I went to nearly all the derby games, home and away. I've seen some great games between Darlington and Hartlepool and I've seen some bad defeats as well.

"Walshy scored a few in derbies and I was with him at Bristol City when he was a coach there and he used to reminisce about the old derby games between Darlo and Hartlepool.

"He's a smashing bloke and he was a great player - it would be nice if I could score in of these games like he did.

"We've both had decent starts to the season and we're both unbeaten away from home so it's going to be a close game.

"But we'll go there full of confidence and hopefully put on a good show for our fans."

If Maddison completes the match it will be the first time he has played eight consecutive games in a Darlington shirt since arriving at Feethams last year.

His first season was blighted by injuries, but since the opening game of the season Maddison has been meeting the standards expected of a player who spent the majority of his career in the top-flight.

* Hartlepool supporters who have pre-booked spaces in the club car park for tomorrow's game are advised to approach Victoria Park from the Middleton Road junction.

This is because the police will be closing Clarence Road between Museum Road and the entrance to the car park from 1pm onwards.

The police will only allow cars through the barrier who have pre-booked places.

Read more about Hartlepool here.