DISCUSSIONS on how to remember a popular community worker are continuing after mourners responded generously to his memory.

Donations to Hurworth Community Association were made in lieu of flowers at the funeral of Ian Fletcher on Wednesday.

It has already been announced that the bells of All Saints Church will ring in tribute to Mr Fletcher, general manager of the community association, on September 21.

But a further tribute is to be made by the community association, using the funds collected in his memory.

Community association chairman John Lawrie said the money would be channelled into a special account and Mr Fletcher's family would be consulted on an appropriate way to recognise his "immense" contribution to the village.

"It was a nice service and a fitting tribute to Ian. Now we have to come up with an appropriate way to remember everything he did. He will certainly not be forgotten," said Mr Lawrie.

Mr Fletcher died after suffering a heart attack while playing golf.

He was described by the Reverend Roy Graham as a man of many talents who would be a great loss to the community.