New start: A New Start course for women in Yarm and Eaglescliffe begins at Yarm Methodist Church, Chapel Wynd, on Tuesday, from 1pm to 2.30pm, and at Egglescliffe Community Centre, Durham Lane on Wednesday, from 1pm to 2.30pm.

The course, open to all women, helps participants to build confidence, learn new skills and meet people. There is a free crche, or childcare support. For more information, contact Gail Henegan on (01642) 393535.

Lions share: Yarm District Lions Club held a Till Receipt Draw at Tesco's supermarket in Eaglescliffe, on Friday and Saturday, September 6 and 7 in aid of the Butterwick Hospices and other Lions' charities. The first prize winner was Rosie Wood, second prize: Ann Newsom. The Lions would like to thank the manager and staff of Tesco for their assistance and all the customers who contributed.

Twin visit: There are still some places left on a visit being planned to Yarm's twin German town of Schwalbach, which will take place from October 10 to 16. The programme of events for the stay includes a visit to the Deutsche Bundesbank, a coin museum and the Stock Exchange. The German host families are English-speaking and local families are promised a warm welcome. For more information and to book a place, telephone (01642) 653606 or (01642) 787076.

Coffee morning: Everyone will be welcome to have a cup at the World's Biggest Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer relief. The event is being held in the Egglescliffe Community Centre, Durham Lane, Eaglescliffe, on Friday, September 27 from 9.30am to noon. Admission is free with refreshments and a raffle.

Garden tips: Gardening classes are to begin at Hilton Village Hall, on Wednesday, from 2pm to 4pm. All aspects of gardening are covered, including design and organic methods. A six-week course costs £18 and a 20-week course £30. For more details, contact Valda Walker on (01642) 591087.

Domino drive: Fortnightly domino drives begin on Monday, September 30, at 7.30pm in Kirklevington Village Hall.

Pilates tuition: Pilates classes are held in Worsall Village Hall on Tuesdays, at 9.30am. Cost per session is £3 and new members are welcome to join.

Barn dance: The first barn dance of the season is on Saturday, September 30, from 8pm to 11.30pm in Worsall Village Hall. The evening features Brian Johnson and the Keynotes. Admission costs £4. For further details, contact (01642) 700656.

Harvest Festival: The Worsall harvest festival will take place on September 15 at 2.30 with guest preacher Brian Mason.