A SCHOOL is hosting a jazz evening to raise money for its jubilee year appeal. The Wild Cats of Kilkenny, from the Tees Valley, will perform at Polam Hall School, Darlington, on Saturday, September 21, from 7pm. During its appeal to provide more facilities at the school, pupils, staff and parents have raised more than £165,000 of the £365,000 target. Tickets are available on (01325) 463383.

SHOP TALK: The Reverend David Kean, from Whinfield Church, will be at the Asda store in Darlington tomorrow, from 10am to noon, to speak to people about the church.

NEW BUILDING: Terrace Hill, of Thornaby, has submitted an application to Darlington Borough Council to build a five-storey office block, with parking space on land at Beaumont Street, Feethams, Darlington.

EVENING CLASSES: The autumn programme of adult evening classes at Darlington's Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College starts on Monday. For details call (01325) 461315.

SPONSORS SOUGHT: The organisers of a football tournament in Ferryhill are looking for sponsors to support next year's event. The tournament held during the town's gala day last month was followed by a six-a-side competition at Mainsforth Sports Complex, in which more than 180 children took part. Contact Ferryhill Town Hall on (01740) 652157 for details.

INQUEST RULING: A verdict of death from natural causes was recorded by Coroner Colin Penna on ambulance technician David Atkinson at an inquest in Bishop Auckland yesterday. The 55-year-old died at home in Russell Street, Bishop Auckland, on February 26 last year.

VAN THEFT: A white Ford Transit van, registration M503 KOG, was stolen from the Winterton housing development, Sedgefield, between 12.45pm and 1.30pm on Wednesday.

TOP GROWER: Brian Sayer won two prizes at Middlestone Moor Working Men's' Club annual show, yesterday, taking the pot leek class with 232.8 cu in and the long leek section with 97.96 cu in.

CARAVAN RALLY: Bishop Auckland Rugby Club has opened its grounds to 50 caravans. The Elddis Owners Club has set up camp on the club's West Mills site for its annual six-day factory rally.

FREE MUSIC: Wolsingham Baptist Church will host an evening of gospel music and song led by the Marton Christian Fellowship tomorrow, at 7pm.

LEEK SHOW: Trimdon Labour Club leek show results were: 1 Jack Cummings, 2 Doreen Cummings, 3 Derek Butler. Doreen Cummings also had best leek in the show, best flowers award and best exhibit in show. Derek Butler for best vegetables and most points in flowers and vegetables.Prizes for the misshapen vegetable class went to Nicole Cummings and Kirsten Cummings.