A WOMAN yesterday admitted mugging a pensioner in a North-East street for her handbag.

Margaret Marshall, 37, of Royal Chambers, Hartlepool, pleaded guilty at Teesside Crown Court to robbing 74-year-old Ivy Hind in the town on July 3. Marshall was remanded in custody by Judge David Bryant for a pre-sentence report.

KNIFE ATTACK: A man was arrested and was last night in police custody following a domestic incident in North Yorkshire involving a knife. In the incident at Limetree Avenue, in Malton, yesterday, a man is alleged to have used a knife to attack another man. The house was surrounded by police until about 2.40pm, when the alleged offender walked out of the property.

COURT DATE: A teenager has appeared at Newcastle Crown Court facing firearms charges. Glen Gosling, 18, was charged with three allegations under section 16a of the Firearms Act. He was granted conditional bail to his home address in Kent Place, South Shields, South Tyneside, until November 21.

WITNESS APPEAL: Police have appealed for witnesses to an attack in Roman Avenue, Walker, Newcastle, at 10.30pm on Thursday, August 29, in which a 24-year-old man lost an eye. A 16-year-old youth has been charged with wounding with intent. Call 0191-214 6555 ext 62244 with any information.