A PUBLIC meeting is to take place next week to call for improvements to a town centre.

The Richmond Pride campaign, launched earlier this year by the town council, was set up to tackle problems facing the town.

Monday's meeting, at 7pm, in the town hall, will seek to identify the areas of most concern.

An Investors in Richmond scheme, designating businesses, schools, groups and individuals, will be discussed.

The meeting was arranged earlier in the summer by the town council and Councillor Stuart Parsons hopes as many people as possible will attend.

"Over the past months there has been growing support for positive action to tackle the problems facing the town," he said. "If you care about Richmond, come to the meeting.

"We would like ideas, suggestions and offers of help to ensure that Richmond's voice is heard."

Areas of concern have included the condition of Market Place cobbles and pavements and weeds on footpaths. Coun Parsons said much of this was due to other authorities failing to take action.

There have also been a number of complaints about dog excrement, litter and public seating.