A SEARCH has been launched to find volunteers to 'police' custody conditions in police stations.

Men and women of all ages, over the age of 18, are being recruited to make unannounced visits to local police stations on Teesside and report on what they find.

A spokesman for the Cleveland Police Authority said: "The Independent Custody Visitors undertake a vital role ensuring that environmental and welfare conditions in which detainees are held, are up to standard.

"Successful candidates are provided with a one-day information training day, so that they have a sound knowledge and thorough understanding of detainees' rights and police responsibilities, and they also received on-going training to keep them up to date with changes in legislation."

Recruits who work in pairs and in rota, will be asked to complete a probationary period. For an information pack and an application, write to: The Independent Custody Visitor Scheme, Cleveland Police Authority, Police Headquarters, Ladgate Lane, Middlesbrough TS8 9EH.