POLICE have launched a major operation in East Cleveland and aim to jail 200 thieves by Christmas.

Operation Trident swung into action at the weekend with a hand-picked team of 40 police officers and already four people have been charged in connection with drugs offences.

And police say a vast amount of stolen property - 85 per cent of which has been returned to its rightful owners - was recovered after the arrest of 30 people.

A warehouse outside the area is being used to house TVs, videos, hi-fis and golf and gardening equipment worth tens of thousands of pounds after initial raids.

Thousands of pounds worth of drugs and guns and 100 stolen mountain bikes have been recovered.

Speaking after the first suspects were charged, Det Supt Tom Stoddart said: "Operation Trident will continue without let-up. We know who the criminals area and we are coming for them. Our raids on them will be unrelenting and we are confident this operation will have a major beneficial impact on the area."

Cleveland Police announced the launch of the operation, which is part-funded by Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council, on Monday. Officers predict that up to 200 thieves, some responsible for 50 to 60 crimes each, will be behind bars by Christmas.

Operation Trident took a year to plan and raids are expected to be a daily occurrence in coming weeks.

Chief Supt John Kelly, the man behind the crackdown, said the scheme's success was a combination of traditional and innovative methods.

He warned thieves: "We have evidence against you and we are coming to arrest you. There will be no hiding place."

Of the three men and one woman charged with conspiracy to supply drugs, one is also accused of three burglaries and two thefts, another with five thefts and another 19 to be taken into consideration, and a third with a single burglary.