PARENTS have accused a supermarket chain of putting profits before people after it confirmed plans to close the crche at its Darlington store.

Safeway has been reviewing how best to use the space in its 60,000 sq ft store in Victoria Road.

The company carried out an extensive consultation exercise and, despite pleas from parents, has decided the crche must go.

Frances Griss, who uses the creche for her two children, said: "It's a betrayal of our children. They have been happy there and it has been part of their life since they were old enough to go in.

"Safeway really can't care about families. They have shown us what they really feel. They are not bothered about our custom because it will be going somewhere else."

Mother-of-two Libby Andrews said: "It is an absolute disgrace that they are prepared to put profits before loyal shoppers."

Stephen Hughes, Labour MEP for the North-East, who lives in Darlington and whose children used the creche, criticised the supermarket chain for its decision.

He said: "I am bitterly disappointed by the news because I had hoped they would rethink and keep it open. I think they have done their image and their reputation in the town a lot of harm and I think customers will show their displeasure by shopping elsewhere. We certainly will."

Mr Hughes, who wrote a letter of objection to the chief executive of Safeway, said: "It is a real slap in the face for many loyal customers and many people in the town will not forget this in a hurry."

A spokeswoman for Safeway confirmed the company's decision yesterday, saying: "Staff and customers in Safeway Darlington have been informed that the crche will be closing. The crche is due to close on October 5 and all staff affected by its closure have been offered alternative employment within the store.

"This was a hard decision to make and we are sorry the crche will be closing, but after a careful review we concluded that in order to offer the best services for customers in Safeway we would need to use the space in a new way. After a careful consultation period, this closure forms part of a review of our services and facilities offered in our Darlington store."