A NEW report looking at what Richmond needs to do to revitalise its flagging economy was launched last week.

On Wednesday, Darlington-based England and Lyle led a presentation that recommended the town tries to attract new and more diverse retailers to the town, boosts tourism promotion, develops the evening economy and pioneers environmental improvements.

Dr John England told a public meeting at the Town Hall that improvements must meet the needs of both visitors and residents.

Of 96 shops in the town centre, 16 are empty but town centre manager Colin Grant said a marketing exercise could target individual retailers and ask if they had considered opening in Richmond.

He admitted the town is never likely to attract larger high street stores but niche businesses and showcase retailers are a possibility.

Other work including the restoration of the Georgian Theatre and the £2m redevelopment of the YMCA into a youth and community centre could also play a part in the town's rejuvenation.

Chairman of the Town Centre Forum, Peter Warne, was upbeat after the meeting.

"Richmond is a fantastic, busy town with fantastic people and, between us, I am sure we can make it even better," he said.