A CHARITY helping the victims of domestic violence is calling on schools to bring the topic into the classroom.

Darlington Domestic Violence Forum has started an initiative to reach young people affected by violence at home.

A booklet for children and young people has been produced detailing what to do in various domestic violence situations and where help can be found.

The forum has also launched a project with youth groups, which began last night, and is hoping to expand its work into schools.

Claire Seymour, of the Domestic Violence Forum, said: "We talked to young people involved in domestic violence and asked them what they wanted.

"The main thing they said was they wanted the issue to be talked about so it wasn't a guilty secret.

"They want youth workers and teachers to talk openly about violence at home so everyone is aware of it. But they don't want to be singled out as a victim.

"Going into youth clubs is the start, but eventually we would like to set up a youth domestic violence forum and get into schools.

"We want domestic violence issues to be part of the citizenship section of the curriculum, and if any schools want us to come and talk to them we would love to hear from them."

A new play called Lost Love was performed at Eastbourne Youth Club last night and will be staged at Firthmoor Youth Club next Monday.

The play is followed by a workshop where the young audience are encouraged to think how they would react in violent situations.

Qualified support workers are on hand at the performance to help any child in need.

Ms Seymour said: "This is all about prevention. We want to show young people what to do if there is violence in their homes, as well as starting an education programme so these children do not become perpetrators or victims of domestic violence."

The Darlington Domestic Violence Forum can be contacted by telephoning (01325) 364486, or visit the group's website at www.ddvf.org.