A public schoolboy is still awaiting a possible prison sentence following an attack on a fellow student.

James Slade, 18, admitted causing grievous bodily harm to Lloyd Pickering, also 18, on their final night at Durham School.

The pair, who had just completed A levels, had been enjoying an end-of-term barbecue at the £14,000-a-year school when Slade attacked Mr Pickering in a corridor, on July 6.

Mr Pickering suffered a ruptured spleen, which had to be removed in emergency surgery at the University Hospital of North Durham.

As a result of the attack, he will have to take penicillin every day for the rest of his life.

Slade, who was a boarder at the 335-pupil school, achieved three grade Bs in his A levels, and was planning a career as an Army officer.

Today, Chester-le-Street magistrates adjourned the case until November 4.