THE future of a 60-year-old bowls club has been secured by a £5,000 grant.

Members of the Brandon Bowls Club feared it would have to close because of constant damage to its green.

The green was damaged by people playing football and golf.

Motorcycles and a car were also driven over the surface. As a result, the club was forced to play most of its home matches away.

The bowling hut has also been vandalised.

The club, which has about 30 players, turned to Durham City Council for help in paying for a security fence.

But the council, which holds the lease for the site, said it was unable to help.

Now, after months of applying for grants, the club has secured the promise of £5,000 from the National Lottery's Awards for All fund, provided it can take over the bowling green's lease.

Chairman Eric Richardson said: "Provided we can get the lease from Durham City Council, the grant will allow us to install a security fence around the green. This should stop the green from getting damaged."

Mr Richardson said that although the club had yet to obtain the lease, this was imminent.

"Durham City Council has been very helpful, and the application is in its last stage," he said.

"It's got one committee to go to and it should go through."

The club hopes to have the fence installed by late October or early November.

Mr Richardson said that after that, the club hoped to attract as many new people as possible.

"We hope to offer the disabled, schools and anyone else in the local area the chance to use the facilities," he said.

"That may attract local people to try their hand at bowling."

For more information about using the green, call Mr Richardson on (01388) 746 515.