RESIDENTS living close to the A66 will be given their chance to discuss proposals to upgrade the road.

Two exhibitions have been arranged to update people on plans to make the road into dual carriageway between Scotch Corner and Penrith.

The two schemes, which involve the stretch of road between Scotch Corner and Carkin Moor and Greta Bridge and Stephen Bank, were added to the Government's Targeted Programme of Improvements by Transport Minister John Speller last month.

The A66 is regarded as one of the most dangerous roads in the country and The Northern Echo has been at the forefront of campaigns to see it upgraded.

The Highways Agency yesterday confirmed that it is to send out more than 7,000 leaf-lets about the work to households near the affected areas.

The events will give people the chance to show their support or their concerns for the schemes. They will be held at the Scotch Corner Hotel and at Newsham Village Hall next month.