ASPIRING engineers will be challenged to design a way of generating electricity from wind power.

The Derwentside Engineering Forum is asking 96 pupils from the district's six secondary schools to devise a turbine in a session at Derwentside College, Consett, on Friday.

These will be tested on the town's wind farm site nearby. The forum is made up of local firms and was set up to raise awareness of engineering as a career among local schoolchildren.

The event is supported by the County Durham Business and Learning Partnership and the county's Learning and Skills Council.

A forum spokesman said: "This year's challenge focuses on renewable energy and the students will be commissioned to design and build a wind generator to supply power.

"Their model will be wind tunnel-tested for maximum output and efficiency.

"A rough terrain vehicle will be constructed to safely carry the generator set over land to the wind farm site.

"The youngsters will then carry out a structure exercise to construct two suitable electricity pylons to carry the generated electricity and these will then be load tested to destruction.''

Youngsters from Blackfyne, Stanley, Greencroft, Tanfield, Moorside and St Bede's schools will be taking part.

The forum also runs an apprentice of the year award for the most outstanding student at the college.