CONCERN is growing in the lead up to bonfire night after a large rocket was fired across a street by children as young as 12.

The incident happened in a quiet residential area in the Hetton Downs area of Wearside last week.

Although no one was hurt, Sunderland's trading standards staff are increasingly concerned following a spate of similar incidents.

Trading Standards officer Tom Terrett said: "In the wrong hands, fireworks can maim or even kill, and I would urge all parents to do everything they can to make sure that their children don't get hold of fireworks this year.

"Fortunately, no one was injured on this occasion, but the potential consequences of such an irresponsible act are very worrying."

Trading standards officers plan to visit fireworks retailers throughout Sunderland to inspect stock and advise them on the law - especially the fact that it is illegal to sell fireworks to anyone under 18.

Mr Terrett said packaging found at the scene of the Hetton Downs incident suggested the rocket was intended for an organised display.

He said: "There are suspicions that fireworks are being imported by 'booze cruisers' and sold outside the legal system. Some of these are more powerful than those allowed for retail sale in this country, and some do not meet our safety standards.

"I would urge people never to buy fireworks from any unofficial source."

Anyone with information on the illegal sale of fireworks in Sunderland should ring trading standards on 0191-553 1717.