A 94-year-old woman has been threatened with court action after she forgot to pay a £12 Council Tax bill.

Stockton Borough Council threatened Lily Gubbins with immediate legal action if she didn't pay up September's instalment.

Mrs Gubbins, who prides herself on keeping her finances in order, was just 20 days late with the cash payment when she received a 'second and final council tax reminder'.

It demanded she made the payment within seven days, adding: "Unless you pay the amount within seven days, we may take legal action without giving you further notice."

She received a second reminder because she had been late with another payment in April this year. The council's automated system does not take resident's ages into account.

Mrs Gubbins, who lives with her 69-year-old son Jack Gubbins in Cromore Close, Thornaby, Teesside, said the letter had come as a shock.

She said: "I have always been a stickler for paying things on time -I like to get bills dealt with straight away. Who do they think I am? Someone who tries to dodge payments?"

Son Jack, who looks after his mother, said: "She has never missed a bill before."

A spokeswoman for Stockton Borough Council said they do not comment on individual cases, but added: "We regret any upset caused, however only two late payment reminders can be issued in any financial year and they need to be worded in such a way that people are aware of the consequences if there are any further delays in payment."

Mrs Gubbins has since paid the £12 she owed.