RIDING SCHOOL: The opening of the Hole in the Wall Riding School on Sunday, October 13, will include face-painting, stalls, demonstrations by the fire service, pony rides and a scrufts dog show.

There will be prizes for the dog with the waggiest tail, the scruffiest dog, the most obedient dog, the dog with the cutest face and the dog the judge would most like to take home.

Details are available on (01388) 764835.

PARTNERSHIP MEET: The next meeting of the Howden-le-Wear Community Partnership is being held tonight in the community centre.

The partnership is trying to get a five-a-side pitch in the village restored for use and ideas are welcome. There will also be a chance to discuss any problems which are raised. Call (01388) 764389 for details.

SHOW RESULTS: Sunnydene Lodge, Howden-le-Wear, held an open leek and horticultural show which attracted 274 exhibits.

Winners were: David Shaw two pot leeks; Norman Lee with three potatoes in the best vegetable exhibit; Trevor Hogg with the best floral exhibit - a vase of cut flowers.

JUMBLE SALE: St Mary's Church, Howden-le-Wear, is holding a jumble sale in the United Reformed Church (behind the factory shop) from 9.30am to noon today.

CONCERT DATE: Durham Constabulary Band is giving a concert on Saturday, October 26, at Willington Methodist Church. The event starts at 7pm and tickets cost £3.50. For further details telephone (01388) 763393.

WATCH MEETING: There will be a meeting of the Tow Law Neighbourhood Watch Scheme in Bering Court next Tuesday, from 7pm .

CHURCH FUNDRAISER: Crook Methodist Church, in Dawson Street, will be holding a jumble sale in aid of church funds on Saturday, at 9.30am.