PEOPLE in Stanley are being urged to attend a public meeting on plans to regenerate the town centre.

The event is in Stanley Civic Hall tomorrow, from 6.30pm to 8.30pm. Proposals for breathing new life into the area include suggestions for the site of a new bus station, the future of View Lane Park, Hustledown House and the Kings Head playing fields.

The meeting will also discuss changes to the town's health services and plans for a new library. It is being organised by the Stanley Town Centre Steering Group.

The agencies that make up the steering group will update residents on what has been done since the last meeting, on June 27.

A Durham County Council spokesman said more than 250 people attended that meeting and it was hoped many more would go this week. Speakers include North Durham Labour MP Kevan Jones and representatives from the county council and Derwentside District Councils, Derwentside Primary Care Trust and the police.