A DISUSED factory where the world-famous Harrogate Toffee was once produced is set to be knocked down - at the third time of asking.

Developers eyeing the site in Back Chatsworth Grove, vacant since the toffee firm moved across town to Camwal Road, Starbeck, want to build blocks of flats there and on the next-door ploy which was once home to a builder's yard and workshop.

Two schemes, one for 12 flats, the other for 14, were withdrawn after neighbours objected, mainly on the grounds of a three-storey block leading to loss of privacy and overshadowing.

Yorkshire Housing, which has an option to purchase the site, has been back to the drawing board in an attempt to meet what a spokesman called "legitimate concerns".

The result is a scheme for ten flats, still with a three-storey block in the middle but two-storeys on the wings.

The idea has won the backing of Harrogate Council's planning officers who will urge conditional approval at a meeting on Tuesday.