PLANS for a strategy to make Seaton Carew, near Hartlepool, more attractive to visitors and residents will be discussed later this week.

The strategy will provide a framework for economic, social and physical development in the town.

Its aims will include seeking sources of funding, improving and enhancing facilities, services and amenities, and consulting with residents, groups and businesses in the town's development.

The urban policy section at Hartlepool Borough Council, will be responsible for developing the strategy.

A report into the strategy said: "Seaton Carew has had little inward investment over recent decades and has, during this time, seen the development of the marina run on apace.

"The local economy has declined gradually during the past ten years and this has begun to show in the number of facilities available at the resort, and also the poor state of repair some properties are in.

"The resort was once a thriving seaside venue and still has the potential to offer the day visitor something in contrast to the traditional package holiday.

"With the recent funding from English Heritage and the Single Regeneration Programme, there is an opportunity for Seaton Carew to re-establish itself within the tourist market."

The report suggests setting up an advisory group to help assist with the management of the strategy.

It has been suggested that the group may be made up of three ward councillors, three representatives from the business community, a police officer, tourism officer and a highways representative.

The report said: "The primary concern in producing the strategy is to ensure it addresses all issues of concern and establishes a framework for sustained activity. It is important to ensure the objectives of the strategy are both relevant and achievable."

The strategy will be discussed by the Hartlepool Partnership on Friday.