SLIPPERS of all shapes and sizes went into production yesterday at a Northallerton junior school.

Children in years four, five and six at Bullamoor County Junior School have been designing their own slippers. They were joined by a specialist design teacher and college students to help create the finished products.

Arts co-ordinator, Margaret Berry, said: "The children have spent a number of weeks looking at different slippers and considering which styles are best suited for their age. In each of the design and technology classes we have been looking at production techniques, such as printing, felt making and using dye.

"For one special day, the children, working in mixed groups, used their fabrics and made their slippers. The younger ones really enjoyed it and found it helpful working with the older children."

The school invited Mary Walker to help with the workshop. She travels around schools and puts on shows helping children learn new design and technology skills. Art students from Northallerton college also supported the activities by offering their skills and expertise.