A PROJECT to help children to tap into their creativity will be put to the test tomorrow evening in Middlesbrough.

Pupils from Tollesby Special School, Hall Garth Comprehensive, Linthorpe Junior and Easterside Primary schools will perform a one-hour show using techniques they have been taught as part of the Government's Creative Partnerships education scheme.

The youngsters have been working with artists and creative companies using dance, visual arts, puppet making, batik, poetry, storytelling and model making.

Over the next two years, pupils from 20 Tees Valley schools will take part in similar work as part of the £1.5m Creative Partnerships programme.

Carol Alevroyianni, from the Tees Valley Partnership, said: "The four Middlesbrough schools have really entered into the spirit of the programme and we have all learned a lot from this first phase of work.

The scheme will be an opp-ortunity for a small number of local schools to trailblaze a new way of delivering education before the programme rolls out nationally in 2004."

The performance, based on Middlesbrough's myths and legends, will be in front of parents and teachers at Hall Garth's Hexagon Theatre, in Acklam