POLICE are hunting two girls believed to be responsible for six burglaries at the homes of pensioners.

On Friday, two girls went to a house in Stokesley Grove, Newcastle, and told the 83-year-old woman they were collecting old clothes.

She became suspicious and sent them away but on Sunday, a man claiming to be from the water board called and was allowed in.

After he left, the woman found her bag was missing.

On Saturday afternoon, the girls visited the houses of women aged 88 and 79 in Heaton Park View, using the same story.

Nothing was taken but at one property a man later called saying he was from the water board.

On Friday, an 85-year-old woman in Middleton Avenue had money stolen from her bag when two girls tricked their way in.

On Saturday afternoon, an 80-year-old had money stolen from her purse in her home in Beatty Avenue, Gosforth when two girls called.

A sixth incident the same afternoon in Rose Street, Gateshead, happened when a 67-year-old had money stolen from her living room.

One girl is aged about 14, the other is aged between ten and 13. Both have ponytails and Tyneside accents.

A police spokesman said: "Just because the caller is a child, the householder should not be lulled into a false sense of security."

Anyone with information should call police on 0191-214 6555, ext 62244.