Council chiefs said "not on your nellie" when newsagent Asif Shamim built a £10,000 wall around his home - topped off with ten concrete elephants.

The local authority was bombarded with complaints from his neighbours.

Now the elephants are packing their trunks and saying goodbye to their home in Middlesbrough, weeks after they were installed.

The 10ft-high wall and fence with the ornamental beasts on pillars was put up without planning consent in the conservation area, just outside the centre of the town and just a few doors from the home of local Labour MP Stuart Bell.

Spotlights were also installed to light the elephant features at night.

Middlesbrough Council's planning committee has agreed to take enforcement action over the wall, and to discuss with Mr Shamim what will be a suitable structure.

Mr Shamim, 30, who paid £250 for each of the ten elephants, said: "The wall and fence were put up to provide security. I have two children and The Avenue is a busy area. I am ready to take the elephants away, but I want to retain our privacy. I did not mean to cause a controversy and I am prepared to compromise.