St Helens Women's Institute

THE annual meeting, which was held on November 4, was attended by the federation representative, Ann Eynon.

The meeting began with minutes and correspondence. Then the evening was placed in the capable hands of Mrs Eynon, who gave a detailed account of how a resolution was handled before gaining acceptance for the national meeting.

Owing to the absence of many members, due to a sickness virus, important matters had to be held over to a future meeting.

The secretary, Mrs B. Stretton, gave a report of the year's work and was thanked by Mrs J. Raine. The treasurer presented the accounts for the year 2002, which was well received and the report was accepted.

A resolution proposed by Miss F. Lamb regarding the cruel manner in which live animals are transported to the Continent was discussed, but had to be left on the table as another WI had already sent in this resolution.

A vote of thanks to Mrs Eynon was given by Mrs B. Stretton. A vote of thanks to the committee of 2002 was given by Mrs V. Goulding.

The meeting ended with a buffet supper. The competition, a turnip lantern, was jointly won by Mrs K. Wylie and Mrs Stretton. Raffles were won by Mrs R. Kemp, Mrs Goldsborough and Mrs J. Hinks.

Henknowle TG

THE chairman, Veronica Fletcher, welcomed members to the November meeting. Wishes and flowers were sent to several members who were unable to attend because of illness. Correspondence included letters of thanks from the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association and Ann Wilkinson for donations to their respective charities.

Arrangements were given for the federation Christmas lunch in Darlington on November 27. Members will also be attending the carol service to be held on December 7, in St John's Church, Darlington, at 2pm.

Norman Kelly gave a humorous and enlightening talk entitled Paint Your House With Powdered Milk.

Pesident Gladys Pentland gave the vote of thanks. The raffle was won by Kay Frazer and the competition for the prettiest teapot was won by Kath Wylie.

The next meeting will be held on December 5