PRIMARY school pupils have been helping to make their neighbourhood more attractive by planting daffodil and crocus bulbs.

The bulbs have been planted outside Newport Primary School, in Union Street, Middlesbrough, to replace a number of overgrown shrubs that had to be removed recently because of safety concerns. The bulbs should flower in the spring.

Headteacher Christine Quinn said: "The children were really looking forward to planting the bulbs.

"They will cover quite a large area of ground, so they will look lovely in the spring and will form a mass of colour when they all flower."

The project - funded by a £5,000 West Middlesbrough New Deal for Communities (NDC) Environmental Community Chest Grant - was proposed by residents.

Lynn Parvin, environmental and neighbourhood improvements manager for NDC, said: "Union Street is a gateway into Middlesbrough centre. It is important that such a busy road looks attractive to local residents, and visitors to Middlesbrough.

"This is a simple way of improving the look of the area, and I am delighted the NDC has been involved."

The project was co-ordinated by Groundwork Middlesbrough and more than 80 bulbs have been planted per square metre, covering 150m.

Chris Watson, executive director of Groundwork Middlesbrough, said: "This project provides an excellent example of how a community can play the leading role in improving their local environment.