CARING teenagers are helping to stamp out bullying in their school with the launch of a support group.

Pupils at St John's RC Comprehensive School, Bishop Auckland, have volunteered to run a counselling service for victims of bullying.

Ear For You holds support sessions every lunch time for people who are being physically or mentally bullied in or out of the school grounds.

The whole group gets together once a week for guidance and training to ensure that they do not become over burdened by the work.

Some of the volunteers have been bullied themselves and volunteered for the scheme because they feel it is often easier to talk to peers than a teacher or parent.

Pupil Luke Robinson, one of the volunteers, said: "We all just want to offer other pupils somewhere to go and someone to talk to in confidence.

"Hopefully we can help them face their bullies, give them a bit of self confidence or help by just giving them someone to talk."