A FORMER art student who neglected his creative skills during his working life has taken up painting again in his retirement.

George Crawford studied oil painting and commercial art at Hartlepool College of Art from 1950 to 1954. But after completing his National Service in 1957, he joined Teesside chemical company ICI's publicity department, working in the design section of the agricultural division at Billingham.

It has only been in recent years that George, now living in retirement in Wingate, County Durham, has had time to take up the brush and canvas once more.

He has specialised in watercolours and landscapes, visiting places of interest and remote spots across the North-East in search of inspiration.

A selection of his most recent landscapes has gone on show at Seaton Holme visitor centre, Easington Village, in its final local artist's display of the year.

They range from a coastal scene at Seaham Harbour, to a moorland setting in Weardale and his own favourite, a view of Castle Eden.

"It is a bit of a labour of love. I just go out and find subjects and paint them."

George said none of the paintings on show has previously been displayed, and all but the Castle Eden scene are available for sale.

The display, in Seaton Holme's Discovery Centre, runs until December 23.