FIRE brigade officials have welcomed proposals to modernise the fire service nationally.

Senior figures at Tyne and Wear Metropolitan Fire Brigade have described Sir George Bain's recently-published independent review of the service as offering a "unique opportunity".

They claim the brigade has already embraced some of the review's recommendations by establishing community safety intervention schemes with other public sector bodies, and says the review paves the way for it to build on this.

The Bain review recommends a change in the way that fire cover is provided, from one based on property type to one linked with the risk to life, allowing greater flexibility for cover.

Peter Young, chairman of the Tyne and Wear Fire and Civil Defence Authority, said: "This report points the way to create a fire service for the 21st Century which can adapt to the changing needs of the diverse communities we all serve.

"We would urge the Government and Fire Brigades Union to take these recommendations on board."

In addition to proposals on fire cover, the review recommends changes to staff development and training, offering brigades the opportunity to pay more to staff with specialist skills.

Chief fire officer Richard Bull said: "This review recognises the past successes and good practice of the fire service, and of our brigade.

"Our staff should not fear the changes proposed, but recognise them as an opportunity to build on the excellent work they are already doing."