PLANS are under way to sell off an entertainment and leisure centre and pump the proceeds into other projects around the city.

The proposals have been put forward by York District Sports Council, which says that more than £30m could be gained by selling off the city's Barbican Centre.

Senior council members believe that the money could then be spent on developing six "mini centres of excellence" around York. Already, Clifton Park, Poppleton, Dunnington, Haxby and York Railway Institute have been put forward as possible locations.

The proposals have been revealed in a report by York District Sports Council chairman Malcolm Johnson.

In his report, Mr Johnson also states that £7m could be used to build a swimming pool in the city, and £3m of the proceeds from the sale of the Barbican could go towards creating a regional bowling centre.

However, City of York Council chiefs say there is only one viable option for the redevelopment of the Barbican.

The Barbican Venture bid includes a county-standard swimming pool, improving the auditorium and a high-quality hotel.

But Mr Johnson said: "Failure to proceed down our proposed route will only deliver refurbished buildings, piecemeal replacement of some facilities and a total loss of others, as the conditional sale now proposed by the council can only deliver second best on all fronts.

"It may well be somewhat of a culture shock for some to wrestle with, but it is our view that without radical change we will continue along the same path until a crisis hits us all."

Charlie Croft, city council assistant director of education and leisure, said it was "totally unrealistic" to suggest the Barbican site was worth £30m.

The Barbican was put up for sale last year after councillors admitted they could not afford to continue funding swimming on the site.