POLICE and hospital staff have hailed the bravery of a 93-year-old mugging victim, who suffered a broken hip after being flung into a road by her attacker.

The woman's determination to recover from the ordeal has won admirers among police in Harrogate, who are hunting her assailant, and staff at Harrogate District Hospital, where she was treated.

Six days after being admitted to hospital and undergoing a hip operation, she was discharged to spend Christmas Day with her family.

The attack took place in Cornwall Road, near the spa town's Valley Gardens.

Detective Constable Mark Willock, who is part of a team hunting her "cowadly" attacker, said: "This is a truly remarkable lady.

"Despite her age, not only did she put up an amazing struggle to hang on to her handbag, she is so determined to make a recovery and has been an inspiration to others in the hospital.

"Ironically, she was in the next bed to a 72-year-old mugging victim, who was attacked in the Valley Gardens. She helped to inspire her fellow patient, who had also suffered a broken hip.

"We have been amazed how she has made such swift progress following the operation," he said.

The 72-year-old, who is still detained in Harrogate District Hospital, suffered a dislocated and fractured shoulder, as well as a broken hip.

The two muggings are being linked to a third, in Coppice Drive, Harrogate, when a 79-year-old woman was pushed to the ground. In each case, handbags were stolen. The Coppice Drive victim was treated for injuries at hospital but not detained.

All attacks happened in daylight, on Sunday, December 15, Wednesday, December 18, and Saturday, December 21. Police are seeking witnesses.

The man responsible is described as 5ft 9in, of scruffy appearance, wearing a grey woolly hat and dark duffel coat.

North Yorkshire Police can be contacted on (01423) 539465.