A COMMUNITY leader has vowed to take on the vandals who have continually attacked a community centre.

Colin Leckonby, secretary at Low Grange Community Centre, and a borough councillor, said the centre had been targeted by vandals at least once a month all year.

But he vowed the gang of youths, who have ripped up pipes, smashed windows, stolen bricks and splattered the building with graffiti and mud, would not close the centre.

He said: "There's a group of 12 to 13-year-olds who are causing most of the trouble. It's not the money, although it all adds up, but the time and inconvenience. It has meant severe problems for everyone who uses the centre."

However, he had some good news for the centre. The ruling committee has been awarded £4,500 from Stockton Borough Council to provide double glazing and disabled access.