Derwentside district councillors are set to approve plans for 43 houses on land formerly belonging to Greencroft Lower School, in Shield Row Lane, New Kyo.

Six will be built on a former bus turning lane next to the site, while the remainder will be within the grounds. Planning officers have recommended that councillors approve the proposals.

EATING DISORDERS: People suffering from eating disorders will be able to benefit from increased support from a regional charity group. The NIWE Eating Distress Service has expanded its number of group sessions for women over 18 to include weekly meetings in Durham, Sunderland and Newcastle. To join the groups, call 0191-221 0233.

REFUSAL LIKELY: Derwentside district councillors are likely to refuse permission for a house to the north of Orchard Cottage, Shotley Bridge. Planning officers have recommended that councillors turn down the proposals on the grounds that it is contrary to planning policies.

SCENIC WALK: South Tyneside Council has organised a seven-mile walk leaving Souter Lighthouse, on the Coast Road, at Whitburn, at 10am on Sunday. The walk finishes at about 2.30pm. To join in, call 0191-424 7498.

HISTORY TALK: Dr M Meikle, of Sunderland, will give a talk on British women in the 16th Century to the Durham branch of the Historical Society on Tuesday, January 21, at 5.30pm, in the Pemberton Rooms, Palace Green, Durham.

BRIDGE COURSE: A ten-week course in Acol Bridge will be held in Chester-le-Street Community Centre, Newcastle Bank, on Thursdays, between 7pm and 9pm. The course costs £30 and starts on January 16. To join, call 0191-388 4752.

PHARMACY HOURS: The pharmacy at Boots The Chemists, in North Road, Durham, will be open from 9am to 5.30pm tomorrow and will be closed on Wednesday. It will be open from 8.45am to 5.30pm on Thursday.

CARDBOARD RECYCLING: South Tyneside Council has installed a container at the Middlefields Civic Amenity site to segregate cardboard from other rubbish.

MORE ROOM: Durham City Council is being asked to grant planning permission for an extension at the Travel Lodge, in Station Lane, Gilesgate.

HOUSE PLAN: Durham City Council is being asked to grant planning permission for a detached house and garage at Petterson Dale, in Coxhoe.

OPEN DAY: Durham Citizens Advice Bureau, near the Gala Theatre, in Millennium Place, Durham, reopens on Thursday at 10am.