PLANS to build speed humps and road cushions around Barnard Castle have been criticised by local councillors.

Barnard Castle Town Council described the proposals by Durham County Council as "absolutely ridiculous".

Members of the town council feel that the plans would prove to be very unpopular with local residents, and could cause congestion when motorists park their cars in different areas.

The county council plans to create 14 speed humps and road cushions along Victoria Road, Queen Street and Birch Road, but members of the town council are worried that the proposals will create problems with parking along Wilson Street, Dawson Road and Zetland Road.

However, members of the town council have accepted that something needs to be done to improve the parking situation in Barnard Castle, but councillors favour an integrated strategy instead of installing speed cushions and road humps.

Councillor John Watson said: "It is not an option to do nothing. Otherwise we could end up with nothing and we are no better off."

Some members, including Barrie Eilbeck and John Hinchcliffe, have warned that many residents would not want any traffic calming measures outside their homes.

Councillor Eric Fell said: "No one will ever persuade me that you need 14 speed humps in that stretch of road.

"It is a knee-jerk reaction on a stretch of road which is a difficult road, but no one in their right mind speeds down there because of the way the traffic is parked. All you are going to do is shift it on to other roads.