A SCHOOL snowboarding trip has ended with five Middlesbrough pupils being suspended from school after one of them was caught using cannabis.

Four boys and one girl from Nunthorpe School were discovered with the drug during the five-day visit to Austria during the Christmas holiday.

They were caught after staff supervising the 40-strong group discovered one of them smoking the drug.

Further enquiries revealed four other students possessed the illegal substance.

Headteacher John Rowling, who was not on the trip, was informed about the incident and said the school and its governors took the matter very seriously.

Mr Rowling contacted police in England before the students returned home and they are now planning to talk to the youngsters over the next few days.

Mr Rowling had a meeting with the students' parents on Monday to discuss what had happened.

He said: "Our pupils know that Nunthorpe does not tolerate fighting or drugs and they know what to expect if they choose to do that.

"The pupils are very upset by what has happened and their parents have been very co-operative throughout."

The five pupils were kept apart from other youngsters for the rest of their trip but returned with the party on Friday.

Mr Rowling: "They have each been excluded from school for varying periods of time, depending how involved they were. They are due to start back later this term."