Darlington Flower Club enjoyed entertainment at its December meeting, at which prizes were awarded.

A flower-arranging practice, entitled A Winter's Tale, was judged by Pauline Madagan from Hartlepool who was a winner at the Nationals earlier this year.

The beginner's trophy was awarded to Rita Whitehouse. In the intermediate class first prize was won by Rita Smith and in the advanced group Morag Whitehead was first with Patricia Battye coming second.

Everyone enjoyed a performance by the Masonaires who sang songs from shows. This was followed by carols and a faith tea.

Members congratulated Patricia Battye who brought along her winning exhibit and trophy which she won at the National Embroidery Show.

Congratulations were made all round to Barbara Bell who had been awarded a prize at the NAFAS Area AGM for selling publications; Jane Currie who won Best in Show at the Darlington Dahlia and Chrysanthemum Show, and to Brenda Hutchinson who was also a winner at the same show.

Thre group meets again on Wednesday, February 5, at 2pm in St Cuthbert's Church Centre for a demonstration, The Nature of Things, by national demonstrator Carol Firmstone from Shropshire.