THE people of Moscow are now able to have their blood checked for food intolerance, thanks to a North-East health firm.

Russia has joined America, Hong Kong, Austria and Italy in offering food blood tests developed by York Nutritional Laboratories (YNL).

Since it was set up in 1982 more than 100,000 Britons have found relief from food-related illnesses after having their blood tested at the company's laboratories.

Now the company is expanding across the world, with the Middle East the next target.

John Graham, managing director of York Nutritional Laboratories, said: "We now have a branch operating under licence in Moscow. We signed the agreement in October."

Mr Graham, a convert who joined the company after his own intolerance to white fish, eggs and tea was confirmed by a blood test, said: "Our tests are now going around the world.

"It seems a little company in North Yorkshire has got some answers to people's problems."

A Russian professor and two doctors are currently guests of YNL while they are trained by the company.

The secret process involves examining combinations of food and dilute blood samples under the microscope and looking for signs of immunological reaction.

"We are testing Russian blood at the moment but they will soon be doing testing in Russia under licence from us," said Mr Graham.

The managing director is elated at his company's expansion but irritated at continuing scepticism in some quarters about the validity of the York approach to testing for food intolerances.

"Would all these people in all these countries be doing this if it didn't work?" he said.

"We are processing more than 10,000 UK samples per annum and this figure goes up every year. To date, more than 100,000 have been helped by us."

Mr Graham was recently awarded an MBE for services to industry.

Last year, research by York University found that 79 per cent of YNL clients reported improvements in their symptom control and more than 70 per cent said their relief continued one year later.

Test kits, which analyse a tiny sample of blood, can be purchased from many pharmacies or ordered by ringing 0800 074 6185.