The first full year in office for the Bishop of Ripon and Leeds, the Right Reverend John Packer, cost the Church of England £106,758, it has been revealed.

The figures are being reported by the Ripon and Leeds diocese in its February newsletter and cover 2001,the first 12 months of Bishop Packer's new role.

Nationwide, costs of maintaining a bishop have come under increased scrutiny following publication of a church report into bishops and their working costs.

The newsletter also reveals that figures show a smaller than expected rise from £97,983 in 2000.

A spokesman for the diocese said that in some areas costs were reduced. The bishop's individual working costs fell by £2,300 to £14,624.

The nationwide spotlight on costs comes at a time when parishes throughout Bishop Packer's diocese have been consulted on whether he should leave his Ripon mansion - traditionally home of the local bishop - for a more modest home in north Leeds.

Meanwhile, the church said that the bulk of bishops' costs were paid for by the Church Commissioners, not the parishes.