SINGER Zoe Birkett has donated some mementoes of her early years to raise funds for other aspiring pop stars.

Zoe, who is at number 12 in the charts with her debut single Treat Me Like A Lady, was a member of Darlington Stagecoach Theatre Arts School before she shot to stardom on ITV1's Pop Idol programme.

She has donated some prized possessions for a raffle to help raise money for other Stagecoach students to achieve their dream.

Trudy Hindmarsh, principal of Stagecoach, said: "When Zoe was with us she auditioned for the National Youth Music Theatre and was accepted by them.

"However, there was a price to pay for the training and accommodation, which amounted to about £1,000.

"We have now set up our own charitable fund, Stars (Stagecoach Theatre Arts Reaching for Success), which will be able to give grants to any successful student of ours who can get through the auditions to institutions such as the National Youth Theatre, National Youth Music Theatre and National Youth Choir.

"Zoe is supporting us in trying to help others to have the chances she had. She has sent us some of her possessions so that we can raffle them in aid of the cause."

Prizes include a Pop Idol teddy with a signed T-shirt and Zoe's Stagecoach uniform that she wore when performing in public.

Raffle tickets are on sale at 10p each or 40p for five.

The draw will be made on Saturday, March 1.

For tickets, send a cheque or postal order with stamped self-addressed envelope to Stagecoach, 71 Woolsington Drive, Middleton St George, Darlington DL2 1UL.