TODAY is D-Day for workers at Nissan's North-East plant when they find out whether they could be a step closer to being embroiled in the factory's first industrial action.

Workers voted in a ballot on Friday on whether to accept a pay offer believed to be about three per cent, for the financial year 2003-04.

Bosses at the plant in Sunderland have been in talks over pay with the company works council for the past four weeks, with the council pushing for an estimated rise of about six per cent.

Unions representing some of the workforce have confirmed that they are prepared to ballot members over industrial action, if workers turn down the pay offer.

Mel Barras, of Amicus, said workers would know the result of the ballot today.

It is the first time in 18 years that pay talks have not been resolved on time.

Concern grew last week and after conciliation service Acas was brought in, without success.

Amicus represents about 797 members at Nissan, 17.1 per cent of the 4,672 workforce.