TWELVE children will see their winning designs displayed on litter bins in their schools in an attempt to cut down on litter.

The children entered a competition run by the West Middlesbrough New Deal for Communities (NDC) to produce posters giving a clear anti-litter message.

The project aims to raise awareness of the impact of litter on the environment.

Joan Ford, chairwoman of the West Middlesbrough Neighbourhood Trust, said: "We are well aware of the implications of litter in the area, and aim to educate the children at an early age about the problems it can cause.

"By getting the children actively involved in designing the pictures depicting clear messages, we hope to have helped get the message across."

More than 150 children entered the competition, and the winners' pictures are now on bins in Whinney Banks Junior School and Whinney Banks Infant School.

Children from the former St Francis Primary School have also have their designs put on bins in their new school.