TRANSPORTS links to swimming pools could be improved for people living in the Easingwold area.

District councillors are working with rural transport officers to find new ways of getting residents of the town and its surrounding villages to leisure facilities.

During the compilation of the council's leisure strategy, demands for a swimming pool in Easingwold were high and it was agreed that while a pool was not viable, improved access to swimming pools should be sought.

An audit of transport links has been undertaken and those findings will be published in a leisure leaflet in March. It will detail private and public pools inside and outside the district.

A further study will establish where there are gaps in the links and how they may be plugged. Other methods of transport, such as car sharing and volunteer minibuses, will also be investigated.

"We recognise that the people of Easingwold want a swimming facility close to them," said cabinet spokeswoman on leisure Susan Latter.

"While we cannot accommodate a pool in the town, councillors are anxious to improve transport links to existing pools - particularly Thirsk swimming pool."