BUSINESSES from Easington have shown their support for the formation of an East Durham Business Forum (EDBF).

More than 40 companies attended a breakfast event at Seaham Hall to discuss the issues affecting businesses in Easington.

It was opened by Tom Maxfield, owner of Seaham Hall and Serenity Spa and member of the EDBF steering group.

He said: "The business forum gives companies in east Durham the opportunity to have a voice in terms of regenerating the area.

"The forum will establish a local network of businesses from all sectors and all sizes with the opportunity to group together to become involved in local issues such as crime, training and recruitment and work with other agencies responsible for providing services in the area."

Bryan Park, a director at Seaham Harbour Dock Company and East Durham Development Agency, spoke of the prospect of businesses being able to work effectively together. "We have an opportunity to develop a local business network, run by business and for business, helping each other to address business matters within east Durham."

The EDBF will be supported by the District of Easington Council and East Durham Development Agency.

If you would like to get involved or require more information on the EDBF, contact David Robinson, business broker at the East Durham Development Agency, on 0191-586 3366.