FORMER Middlesbrough footballer Bernie Slaven was "arrested" yesterday on suspicion of verbally abusing Newcastle and Sunderland fans on the Century FM programme Three Legends Football Phone-In.

Slaven was in Tyneside for a book signing at WH Smith's, in the Gateshead MetroCentre when he was approached by three police officers.

He was escorted from the store, passing fans who had queued for his autograph, and was taken to the shopping centre's police station.

Newcastle and Sunderland legends Malcolm Macdonald and Eric Gates carried on signing copies of the Ten Grand Fan Quiz Book - while Slaven was taken away for a different sort of questioning.

He said "I thought they were having a laugh until they produced this warrant which said: 'A complaint has been received at Gateshead West Area Command from a local resident who states that he has been caused harassment, alarm and distress as a result of comments made by the above named (Bernie Slaven) on Century FM'."

Slaven said: "I sat there in this little room for what seemed like hours.

"I tell you what, I was so nervous they'll have to throw that seat away."

Eventually the former Boro goalscorer was released without charge after it emerged the whole thing had been a wind-up by his radio colleagues Malcolm Macdonald and Eric Gates.

Former Newcastle United striker Macdonald said "It'll certainly make a chapter in Bernie's next book - and we must thank the police for being such good sports."

Gates, Century FM's Sunderland pundit, said: "I was very disappointed with the whole situation.

"He should have been locked up for longer!"