PLANS to build 12 houses in Kirklevington have been recommended for approval.

Member's of Stockton Borough Council's will meet tomorrow to discuss the plans to build on land known as Jasmine Field, near Forest Lane.

The development would consist of eight detached houses and four bungalows.

Castle Leavington and Kirklevington Parish Council were concerned that increasing the number of houses in the village would worsen access from Forest Lane on to the A67. They said an increase in traffic using the junction could increase the risk of a major accident.

* Stockton Sixth Form College, in Bishopton Road West, has asked for permission to build a two-storey extension, providing ten classrooms, two staff study bases and toilets.

The scheme will also allow for secured cycle parking facilities to be provided.

* The borough council has received an application to change a shop in Station Road, Billingham, into a hot food take-away.

* Persimmon Homes has applied to the borough council for permission to build 48 houses on the former Stockton and Billingham College, in Oxbridge Avenue, Stockton.