YOUNGSTERS with special needs can now have all the fun they want in a safe and secure environment.

The Ryedale Special Families charity has created a sensory room for children and young people at its base in Old Malton.

Yesterday, it was officially opened by the chairman of the district council, Councillor Helen Schroeder, who has chosen the organisation as one of her charities.

Facilities in the room include soft play, touch and smell areas - all aimed at making sure that youngsters with special needs can have fun safely.

Ryedale Special Families is a parent-led group providing a range of services, including respite care, advocacy, a weekly youth group, family social events and short breaks.

The sensory room will provide an important resource in the Ryedale area.

The organisation's chief officer, David Brewster, said: "Multi-sensory environments of the type we have developed have been shown to have important therapeutic and educational benefits, as well as helping children with disabilities to relax in a friendly setting.

"We are most grateful to BBC Children In Need, York Diocese Social Care Fund and Malton and Norton Flower Club for making this resource a reality for Ryedale children."

Coun Schroeder said: "This is a wonderful facility and is a credit to the drive and enthusiasm of the parents and professionals who have worked so hard and achieved so much here in Malton."