CHRIS Slater is someone villagers have always been able to tell the time by.

But after more than 30 years of winding the church clock in Kirkby Malzeard twice a week, he has eased himself out of a job.

His efforts in raising funds to repair and electrify the winding mechanism mean he no longer has to trek up and down the 30 clock tower steps. In all, he reckons he had climbed187,200 steps over the years.

Mr Slater, an ambulance driver for the Ministry of Defence, based at RAF Leeming, had his own way of checking the clock was keeping the right time. Every morning before leaving for work he checked that the BBC "pips" sychronised with the chime of the church clock just a quarter of a mile from his home.

He rarely missed his duties, but on one occasion a former vicar agreed to take over while he took a short holiday.

It was no easy task. It took 280 turns of a key the size of a car starting handle keep the chimes going and 170 for the clock itself. Unfortunately the cleric over-wound the clock and sent the mechanism whizzing into overdrive.

"If ever the clock stopped or went wrong, people would get on to me about it," said 62-year-old Mr Slater, who secured hundreds of pounds to boost the clock appeal.

When he went collecting for it, cheques and donations ranged from £100 to £1,000 and people even organised open gardens to boost funds.

Despite losing his winder's job, Mr Slater is still a regular in the church belfry where he has been a member of the bellringing team for 30 years.

He also keeps the churchyard tidy, mowing the grass, and keeping the gutters free from debris.

To celebrate the clock's new era and Mr Slater's years of service, St Andrew's Church at Kirkby is holding a thanksgiving service on March 9 at 6pm.

Three canons will take the service. Canons Frank Ledgard and Peter Garner are former vicars of Kirkby, and Canon Howard Garside is an honorary canon at Ripon Cathedral. It was Canon Ledgard who conducted the wedding service for Mr Slater and his wife Mary.

A grateful parishioner said: "Every church needs a Chris Slater and we're very lucky to have him."