TWICE a week for more than 30 years Chris Slater has had the task of winding the church clock in the village where he lives.

Each time, he has had to trek up and down the 30 tower steps of St Andrew's Church, Kirkby Mal-zeard, near Ripon.

At the top, he has had turn a key the size of a car starting handle about 280 times to keep the chimes going, and another 170 times to keep the clock running.

But now Mr Slater has eased himself out of the job after helping to raise the funds to repair and electrify the winding mechanism.

An ambulance driver at RAF Leeming, he used to synchronise the clock with the BBC's time pips and over the years he reckons he has climbed 187,200 steps.

The 62-year-old is a regular worshipper at the church, where he has also been a member of the bell-ringing team for the past 30 years.

Mr Slater also keeps the churchyard tidy, mows the grass and keeps the gutters free of debris.

To celebrate the clock's new era and his long years of service, the church is to hold a special thanksgiving service on March 9, at 6pm.