PATIENCE is wearing thin with vandals and litter louts who could be damaging a North Yorkshire market town's reputation as a tourist destination.

The Mayor of Richmond, Councillor Stuart Parsons, has made a campaign to inspire pride in the town one of the main objectives of his year in office.

Not afraid to get his hands dirty, he has even led a number of clean-up weekends, recruiting Scouts and Guides and an army of willing volunteers to help clear the streets of rubbish.

A campaign has also been launched to generate a positive image with the town council, Richmondshire District Council's tourism team and the Richmond Business and Tourism Association working together to promote the area's natural beauty and attractions.

However, others seem equally determined to undo all the hard work; grass verges along the Darlington road between Richmond and Skeeby are strewn with litter, while shrubs and trees along Richmond's Castle Walk remain festooned with rubbish.

Vandals have opened the dog waste bin and thrown bags left by responsible pet owners into nearby branches.

"I will admit it's something I find increasingly frustrating," said Coun Parsons.

"It's only a minority who are responsible but it's hard to come up with a solution which will put and end to it once and for all.

"Education is the best bet. We have a number of visits planned to local schools but we also need to get a message to dog owners.

"Some take the first step by clearing up the mess - but then leave the bags lying around on the footpaths, which prevents nature from taking its course."

Another Richmond Pride Day is also planned on Sunday when, weather permitting, volunteers are welcome to join a clear-up operation around Castle Walk.

Anyone prepared to lend a hand can meet at the town hall from 10am for tea and biscuits before work gets under way.

"It is no good expecting anyone else to do it so we will do it ourselves," said Coun Parsons.

"One of the things I have found encouraging so far is that I have met all sorts of people from all kinds of backgrounds - but all of them are willing to help."